Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Anchor Holds

Devotional by Barbara Sanders
Hebrews 6:19 which [hope] we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;
A storm arises, and the ship is caught at sea, tossing and turning in the high waves. The only thing that will save that ship is an anchor, hopefully steadying it until the storm ceases.
We are like that ship in this world, being tossed to and fro, needing something to steady our walk. The gospel 'HOPE' is our anchor for this steadiness and surety in the Lord. The grace of God and the influence of the Holy Spirit are the grounds of this hope. God is the object of this HOPE we have.
Without this HOPE, Jesus Christ, we are lost out in the world today, being pushed and shoved, going nowhere fast! We struggle to make it through, to make ends meet, to have a life, to have peace, yet we still have a longing that nothing in this world can ease.
If you don't have the assurance of this anchor in your life, why not consider coming to Christ today? Why not give your life to God, by asking him for forgiveness of your sins, believing that he is GOD, that he died on the cross for your sins, that he was buried, arose again in 3 days, and now is at the right hand of the Father, ready to make intercession for you. Turn your life over to Him, putting your faith and trust in Him, that he will take you and mold you into what he'd have you be. You can then take solace in the fact that you now have the ANCHOR that will surely hold, no matter how much you are tossed and turned!
Lord, we thank you for the anchor of hope we have, serving you in this world. We know that one day we will spend eternity with you, never again having to face the sea of life again, to be tossed to and fro in the waves of life. For those that haven't made the commitment to you, lay conviction in their hearts, that they will desire to come to know you as their anchor. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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