Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The List

Do you have anything to be thankful for? In his classic novel
ROBINSIN CRUSOE, author Daniel Defoe has shipwrecked Crusoe take
inventory of his life. He makes two lists. One is a list of his
problems. The other is an inventory of that for which he can give

A problem he writes is that he has no clothing. On his
corresponding list he writes that the weather is warm and he
really has little need for clothing. Another problem is that
all of his provisions were lost at sea. But on the other list he
writes that he has fresh fruit and water and can provide for
himself. And so it goes. He lists his problems and likewise lists
all that he has going for him. He is surprised at
the size of the list of his assets.

How long would your list be if you took inventory of your
blessings -- all of that for which you can give thanks? For
family. For friends. For faith. For health and the necessities of
life. Did you know that some one million people will die this
week...how is your health? Those who have food, clothing and
shelter have more than much of our world's population will ever
possess. Do you have these necessities of living?

How long would your list be if you took inventory of your
blessings...and added one new item daily? Would you be amazed at
the size of the list?

You have 1,140 minutes in every day. How would your life be
different if you spent just 15 of those minutes daily giving
thanks? Just 15 minutes filling your mind with concrete examples
of how fortunate you are? Most of us would discover even after a
few days that the exercise was life changing!

Poet Courtland Sayers put it this way:
Five thousand breathless dawns all new;
One million flowers fresh in dew.
Five thousand sunsets wrapped in gold;
One million snowflakes served ice cold.
Five quiet friends, one baby's love;
One white sea of clouds above.
One June night in a fragrant wood;
One heart that loved and understood.
I wondered when I waked that day --
In God's name -- how could I ever pay?

Christian mystic Meister Eckhart said, "If the only prayer you
say in your whole life is 'thank you,' that would suffice." I
suspect he is right.


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